There’s no delusion like self-delusion

There’s no delusion I know!

(sung to the tune of There’s no business like show business)


Denial -it’s not a river in Egypt

This Thursday, depending upon where you are in the world, we are in for a rare treat. With the moon at its farthest point from Earth, it will appear smaller than usual and smaller than the Sun, resulting in an annular eclipse, which looks like a “ring of fire” -its other name, as shown in the image above. A circle of light: wholeness illuminated.

This eclipse pair began on 26 May with the lunar eclipse (full moon) between Gemini and Sagittarius and concludes with the solar eclipse (new moon) in Gemini on 10 June 2021. In addition, Saturn went retrograde on 23 May and Mercury went retro on 29 May. So, what does all of this mean?

Look where you have Gemini and Sagittarius in your chart to see what part of your life is being activated. (You can visit to create a free chart for yourself.)  These highly social signs are all about relating and exchanging information – they are the sages and gossips of the zodiac. Expect revelations and insights in the houses where you have the Twins and the Archer. A re-orientation or re-focusing of goals and how to approach them are well indicated. If you have either sign on the Ascendant, expect some new perspectives on/in/with your relationships and yourself. If your MC/IC, expect some changes in your work and home life.

Since retrogrades require us to focus inwards and do activities that start with “re-“ like retreat, rethink, reconsider, restructure, rest, this time would suggest a profound need to take a couple few steps back from whatever situation is going on in your life and give the time and space to see what is true for you and research the consequences of your potential decisions, acts, relationships, contracts. Saturn carries the themes of boundaries, foundations, limits, structures. Mercury carries the themes of communication, processing, movement, thinking.  When these two planets appear to be going backwards from our earthly view, we are given an opportunity to check facts, make sure that our plans are fool- and full-proof.

Delusions, denial, false ideas, relationships and magical thinking are all up for inspection, review and re-tooling. Have you awakened to find yourself in the fun house room believing the distortion mirrors are giving you correct reflection? Do you have family members, partners and/or “friends” gaslighting you, telling you are too much or saying and doing anything else that doesn’t honor you for your true gifts?

Relationships are supposed to be two-way streets, but some people like to make them a one-way freeway to supporting them and never seeing you. This is a great time to take out a sheet of paper and write a plus (+) on the right side and a minus (-) on the left and put the people in your life along the spectrum. Take your time, feel into it, look to the years of relating and rate each person on how the experience has been for you. Is it time to create a new boundary and maybe choose to jettison some of those individuals who are on the far left (negative) side of your list? Can you feel into the freedom and peace such a decision can create in your life?

We are all being given a great opportunity, aided by the planets and signs, to make some significant changes in our lives. If you decide to remain in denial and delusion, it is your choice, but you need to know there is a different life to be had. One in which your gifts, strengths and self are seen, honored and experienced. The negative people in your life are not likely to become positive unless you step out of the delusion and denial and treat yourself in a way that doesn’t allow others to treat you poorly.

I am here to provide guidance and support, so please feel free to contact me for sessions or a reading to help you clarify, define and align yourself with your truth.

Wishing you grace, peace and rest during this transformational period,



  1. I like your suggestion of the +/- analysis. Thank you for the great insights!

    1. Thank you! Sometimes it helps to get things out of our mind which has made these things okay and to commit them to paper to give us the perspective and distance to choose something different this time.

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