Aquarius is the last air sign and has the interesting, seemingly dichotomous rule of grounded and traditional disciplined Saturn and modern-day ruler the inventor, rebel, instigator and official fecal disturber Uranus. Given the promethean nature of this sign, we can easily understand it rules airlines. We have been witnessing pretty significant hints of what Pluto’s shift into Aquarius might be with the recent spate of near misses and wing bumps as well as the avalanche of issues that created a nightmare for Southwest airlines and its travelers and we cannot ignore climate change and its moment-to-moment effect on travel.

Being ruled by Saturn and Uranus, we can see that the foundation (Saturn) of our global airline system is out-dated (Saturn) and clearly it is going to take some shocking accidents (Uranus) to create the new system (Uranus) necessary to serve humanity (Aquarius ideal). Enter Pluto. For those of you familiar with my talks on Pluto, you know we are speaking of the “great and terrible simplification” which takes away that which we don’t need, but to which we are extremely attached. This is our first modern experience of Pluto in Aquarius, since the last time was when the American and French revolutions occurred and airplanes were yet a lofty idea.

Flying has become inelegant and in some cases, down right unpleasant. Whether it is people wearing their pajamas or other intimate clothing while traveling or the ridiculous nickel-and-diming that goes on once you have purchased your ticket. Oh, you want to choose your seat, that will be $$$ more. Oh, you want something other than water and pretzels (war camp rations), that will be $ more. Oh, you want to connect to the wi-fi or store your bag or breathe, we need to debit your account. One horrific line I was told by American Airlines was if I didn’t like that I had to hand over my carry-on when there was still over 50% of the overhead compartments were open, I could just choose to go on a later flight (this happened to me twice –no longer flying American). We are finally seeing an initiative, not just for the airline industry, but other industries as well with Biden’s plan to address “junk fees”. Those numerous innocuous hidden costs that prevent us from knowing exactly what we will pay when we click that button. While this won’t bring back dresses, jackets and ties, it will be a welcome reprieve from the seemingly never-ending amount of additional costs to simply get from point A to point B. This is part of Pluto working through the last degrees of Capricorn as well. Remember, both Capricorn and Aquarius have the Saturn rulership, so some of the themes will continue into this new period.

Pluto moves into Aquarius for a brief period from 24 March through 12 June 2023, then another longer period next year from 22 January through 3 September 2024, until finally going into Aquarius for good on 21 November 2024. This 2023 period and the eight-month period in 2024 will give us some pretty profound previews of what is in store for us all. Remember, Pluto like the other outer planets, is more transpersonal so we are speaking of that which lies beyond the limits of our personal and subjective identity and therefore reality. Pluto shatters the personal/subjective perspective so that it can surrender to the higher or more global experience. Like COVID has been doing. I saw that the Pluto/Jupiter conjunction in March 2020 would give us a global pandemic, although I didn’t see it coming from China –and while I thought it would be big, I had no idea it would affect us all in so many ways as well as for so many years. This is our new normal . . .. Thanks to COVID, we have become more dependent upon our electronic devices to remain connected. Face Time, WhatsApp, Zoom and other media give us the ability to connect with one another in a way that is in-between a telephone call and being in person. With the Great Mutation change into air elements that began in Aquarius in December 2020, we can see that the great movement of live has moved from the physicality or earth orientation started in the Industrial Revolution to the air focus of ideals, thoughts, policies, electronic communication, higher thought.

It is time for a major overhaul of the airline industry. From the horrific carbon footprint of the engines and fuels we use to the cattle call nature, to the non-customer service orientation that has become so pervasive, to the limited number of air traffic controllers and their aged systems, to the underlying outdated programs and electrical systems keeping the whole thing together with theoretical rubber bands, duct tape and prayers, to the whole pilot, crew, and staffing hierarchy and other issues -all are overdue for an overhaul. Pluto in Aquarius with Uranus in Taurus will give us some new and inventive ways to get tother and connect. Holographic meeting, Virtual Reality goggles and gloves and other heretofore yet to be invented devices are all indicated by this placement, stay tuned!

The month of March is quite something. Please click the image below to watch my YouTube March 2023 forecast:

March is a crazy month!

I am both honored and excited to be a part of the 11th International Astrology days in Istanbul. We will be doing a fundraising event to support those so horrifically affected by the recent earthquakes. Please click on the image below to find out more information and to sign up for the event. I believe recordings will be made available

Hope to see you there

To quote Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, “Toto, I’ve a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore.” We are in a transitional period that will continue to affect and change us all. I am available for readings and guidance as you find your particular part to heal and play as this great drama unfolds.

All of the best to you and yours,



  1. Superb analysis of airline travel as Pluto moves into Aquarius.

    I share your longing for the days when passengers dressed better and service was more elegant.
    Also sharing your concern about the uptick in potential mishaps while knowing the airlines have a strong history of monitoring potential problems and training for them. So for now I’ll remain confident.

    There are however some positive, progressive changes within the industry and I expect to see this grow over the next 20 years.
    Roughly 90% of all airline pilots are white male and this number has barely budged for more than 40 years. Due to the huge number of pilots retiring over the next couple of years and a pilot shortage, the airlines have been encouraging groups who haven’t seen themselves represented to consider this as a career. Same with airline mechanics. So Aquarius may usher in more needed equality.
    However, expect to see an ugly backlash from the usual crowd as these changes challenge the old guard. As you noted this is all overdue for an overhaul.

    In addition, airlines have been exploring biofuels for some time, so we’ll see what happens there.
    Thought provoking article! And interesting to ponder what needs to go at this point in history.

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