Do you have an innate ability to see opportunities everywhere and have boundless optimism? If you do, chances are you have a planet or two in one of the air signs: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. These signs are all about the relationship of yourself with other and how to step into a place of right human relationship.

When you consider air, a gas, it reacts to pressure and temperature -giving the ability to either lift up into the sky or descend to the ground. The ability to adjust to a situation is an important facet of relating with others, isn’t it? How do we step outside of ourselves for a moment to gain the perspective we need? We access our signs and planets.

Did you know that when it gets hot enough a plane cannot get off the ground at higher altitudes? Sometimes when conversations get really heated, we can see no chance to lift off and rise above to gain perspective, let alone resolution. This is when we know we are hooked or triggered, meaning that we have fallen into one of our old patterns of seeing the world and others. What can you do? Two of the top options have to do with air: 1). Take a deep breath, maybe three and/or 2). Create space by removing yourself from the conversation.

Why does air help? Think about when you are in a confrontation, both parties are in re-action mode. Reactions happen when there is no space, no air for both sides to be (some confrontations involve two parties getting right up into another’s faces – no space at all!). Consciously inviting air into the experience gives allowance, like taking off clothing that is overly constricting and changing into something that gives you freedom of movement and comfort.

If you have air in your chart, you are affected by others. Finding healthy ways to relate is a key issue based upon which air sign is strong in your chart.

Gemini is a hummingbird that gathers nectar from countless sources. Gemini, ruled by the planet Mercury, seeks to stitch and connect things through ideas, thoughts, movement, connection. Gemini often can’t see the forest for the trees, because they can get lost in the minutiae and not see the larger picture.

Libra is ever balancing, seeking to find an accord between any two (or more) choices. They find value in everything thanks to being ruled by loving Venus. Libra needs to learn that choosing one thing neither negates nor diminish the other option.

Aquarius probably has the easiest means to access the periscope or ivory tower from which to neutrally observe and understand. Traditionally ruled by structured, limiting Saturn and modern rulership from uniquely evolving Uranus, gives them a very unusual view of life. The smaller the idea, the pettier the Aquarian; the grander the idea, the more amazing the Aquarian (extrapolation from a quote from Erin Sullivan).

This is a big year to be reacquainted with the air signs for many reasons. I provide guidance and support to individuals seeking happier and healthier relationships with themselves and others, creating space for you to become the highest version of yourself.

All the best,
