As I write this, 24 June 2020, six planets in our solar system are in retrograde motion. These include Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto. Venus steps forward tomorrow, the 25th. Finally, for four days in September 2020, Mars completes the set of all six outer planets doing their respective backwards march, until Jupiter breaks ranks to return to his forward movement. Their various speeds inform us when it is best for us to Drive, Park and Reverse, respectively in response to what Life is offering us.

The themes of Communication/Movement (Mercury), Relationships/Values (Venus), expansion and contraction as well greater authority (Jupiter and Saturn), Creativity/Dreaming/Escape (Neptune) and transforming that which is no longer useful so as to empower ourselves to be our best Self (Pluto) are all in the process of deep review. These planets all need patience as well as the space and time to consider the action to be taken.

The horrific AND unnecessary murders of George Floyd in Minnesota and Ahmaud Arbery and Rayshard Brooks in Georgia are being profoundly and appropriately reviewed by the collective – finally! The compressed (Saturn) experience of being quarantined and limited in our movements has emboldened the need for justice (Jupiter) and clarity (Mercury) to transform (Pluto) the focus of our values (Venus) back to accepting the fact that we are a melting pot (Neptune) country.

These three men died because of the color of their skin. The remarkable “gift” is that their deaths were recorded to be shared with everyone. We cannot know the thousands of individuals who are killed every day because no one recorded their last moments. These unrecorded individuals die because another person (or group) doesn’t appreciate, respect let alone see them as human. This has to end. We humans are not each other’s enemy, our fears are. When fears are fanned by greedy media and political systems that becomes more fascist –which, according to Wikipedia, “is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, as well as strong regimentation of society and of the economy which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.”– each year, we individually and collectively lose. In case you hadn’t noticed, we live in a fascist state.

Floyd, Arbery and Brooks’ deaths represent something that is endemic and so deeply woven in the fabric of our society that many are unwilling to see it, let alone believe it. We have to be shown these images of their deaths over and over again to be awakened from the fake dream we have about equality. We have to see that we are not so united in these American states.  The only way out is through and when these planets go direct, we shall see what we all individually and collectively do in crafting a world that addresses and resolves these issues. We humans cannot brand people who have a darker shade of skin as bad and project that shadow upon them any longer. The time has come to lift the veil of misperception and welcome everyone to the table.

We humans are stronger when we encourage, welcome and embrace the individual gifts each person in our society offers to the collective. There is no evidence that we all need to be exactly the same, eating the same food or even wearing the same clothes. We get the unique experience of being Spiritual beings having an individual physical experience within the collective structures of society and the laws of physics. None of us came with an instruction manual, but many of us came with awareness that is greatly aided by tools like astrology that allow us to understand a greater more wholistic picture of inclusion. We are all in this together.  

We are in the process of birthing a new age. In doing so, all aspects of life are up for review. The contractions can be painful, but are worth it if we can deliver greater acceptance of the beautiful rainbow of humanity of which we are all a part. We are all people of color, we all represent a position along any number of spectrums of expression in all aspects of what it means to be human. My Aquarian Sun is showing, I know! It is time to end the idea that one supposed “end” of the color spectrum receive all of the negative while the other side is receive all of the positive. It simply isn’t true.

My heart mourns for the loss of these three men and the countless people killed because of another person’s unfounded fears and misplaced expressions of power. The holes in the lives of the families, communities and society can never be filled. The loss is truly unfathomable. is a great place to give as you can.

Take the time these retrograde periods offer to review what has gone before, release it and move forward, not with forgetfulness of what has happened, but with resolve to ensure it doesn’t happen again. May we all find a way to end this insanity and speak up as necessary to ensure no one else feels the knee on their neck. We can do what is necessary so that these deaths –and those countless unrecorded deaths– were not in vain.

Wishing you strength and clarity in these interesting times,



  1. What beautiful wisdom Michael. thank you for sharing your heart and what we are feeling collectively.

    1. Thanks, Dawn, sometimes this information just has to push through. I have been building with this topic, seeing a level of dis-integration that re-integrates. Bless you!

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