Family and societal pressures encourage us to behave in an appropriate manner to “fit in” and in the process we lose sight and connection with our whole self. The painful process of limiting certain facets of ourselves usually results in a type of eruption, be it with our health or in our relationship(s), bringing us to the awareness that we need to integrate.

When we find ourselves realizing there is more to us than we think, many of us seek out an astrology reading. Such a consultation should identify the inherent gifts as well as the provocations and obstacles we are likely to encounter in life AND gives us the tools to be successful –if we pay attention— in life. The meaning of “success” in each chart is as myriad as the individuals on the planet. You, me, each of us, has an edict to be our archetypal selves, but it isn’t easy to do this.

We humans are interestingly complex and contradictory; many want things to come easily, but believe we have to suffer on some level or deserve to be punished. We all have defensive structures that are resistant and restrictive, especially to change.Astrology offers opportunities to understand and face the indignities of life while also knowing where to apply the required effort to benefit from supportive elements. In one of my previous blogs I discussed the malefics as the bad and the ugly, but as we learn about “difficult” planets and the not-so-easy aspects, transits and progressions, we grasp there is a greater purpose at work. An astrological reading is significant and needs to be treated as the sacred act it is. So, here comes my soapbox statement . . .

There is no such thing as a bad chart, bad aspect or anything else that is “bad” in an astrology chart. To give a fixed polarity statement to a range of expression is not only limiting, but extremely harmful and maybe even abusive. Most of my clients are powerful individuals with consciousness gaining charts that have been interpreted and reflected back to them as bad by astrologer(s). Healthy and accurate reflection is not common in our families, but should be a common part of any astrological reading. I cannot tell you how many people have tears in their eyes when I tell them they are an aspect of the divine and they are here to find a way to balance and blend these energies -like everyone. There is power in working with these seemingly contradictory energies in our charts. Labeling them as bad gives rise to many disorders and can actually enable people to ignore those aspects since they are so “hard” to address.

I see astrologers as theme finders and cheerleaders. Our job is to reflect, encourage and hopefully enable our clients to become the best possible version of themselves so as to play their part within the greater Plan. We also have to understand and remember that astrologers are human too and have their particular view on life, dictated by their chart, as well as whatever work they have done on themselves. Just like a friend, therapist or anyone else in your life, you have to make sure you pick an astrologer who has the ability to see and mirror back your organizational system and synthesize it in a way that rekindles your spark within you. Identifying and explaining the many and varied voices and needs of the planets should empower us to live the truth of our respective charts.

There are many on the planet who are here to help birth the Age of Aquarius. The accumulated wisdom coupled with the spontaneous insights they carry is what the world needs. The box of literal black and white conformity into which everyone fit so nicely back in the 1950’s is unraveling into a most wonderfully intricate and beautiful tapestry that is our true world. The expression of each thread of color is required to make the cloth of life. We can no longer pretend that this thread needs to be cut out, ignored, or that part needs to be killed in order for another color to have greater presence. The goal of life is not about fitting in and/or taking over, as much as it is about accepting ourselves and one another for the beautiful beings we already are.  The “quirky” nature of these new age shamans may be hard for some to grok, just like the complex aspects they endure until understanding the intricate mechanisms at work -but please do not label them as bad. If you are one of these special beings, don’t allow anyone to diminish your light. If someone cannot see you, look for someone who can.

Wishing you grace on your path,


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