As an Aquarian and an astrologer, I look at the larger picture; seeing how the small pieces make up the larger organizational whole. As I have said before, we are all working to understand that life isn’t monochromatic, but rather very diversely and complexly hued AND interwoven. There are many on the planet who only want “their” group to succeed over others to the point that others go without. There are many on the planet who fear their color (or race or religion) is becoming a minority (someone needs to tell whites that they haven’t been a majority on the planet for some time) and this is true for the smaller minority groups. The growing pains of dealing with this awareness is causing great strife and torment on the planet. Stepping away from our family, clan, national identification and aligning with our beautifully varied brothers, sisters and non-binaries around the world is where we are headed.  This is a turning point for humanity.

Astrology is a wonderful tool to help us understand that just as there are many diverse populations, there are diverse parts of ourselves. While much of astrology is summarized as simple Sun or Ascendant focused, the true art of astrology is in identifying, explaining and synthesizing the beautifully intricate and sometimes contradictory themes present in a person’s life.

The Round Table of Arthurian legend speaks to this wholistic idea. In a circle there can be no hierarchy, there can be no first, so there can there be no last. But then why do some people perceive any of the planets around the wheel, or the various signs in which they find themselves, to have a greater or lesser value than another? It is just another prejudice that prevents healthy integration individually and collectively.

A circle represents a cycle. Pick any point along its circumference and you will find yourself at some point of periodicity for the process it represents. At its most basic, astrology is the study of cycles of each of the planets, their interrelationship at birth, by transit (where they are at any given moment after birth in relationship to the birth chart) and progression (longer cyclic unfolding of the planets based upon the individual birth chart). Of course, these cycles have to do not only with our individual lives, but the lives of our families, communities, countries, businesses, object, anything to which you can ascribe a birth time and place.

We are a world of innumerable myriad loops and orbits, ever merging and separating. Learning how to maintain our individual flair while being a part of a larger machine can be confounding. Learning further that we each have our respective ego-systems that also has its own complex set of interconnected cycles takes a while to understand, but until we accept the varied voices we each have in ourselves, how can we accept the diversity in the world? In order to enjoy a rainbow, we have to appreciate the various colors. To create a better world, we all need to find ways to welcome and embrace the amazing range of human expression possible along any spectrum.

Which of your voices have you silenced? Which parts of you were dismissed from the table where all are welcome? I offer astrological readings that reflect your divine self to you. I speak to all parts that sit at your table so that you, the master of your table (life), can synthesize their respective needs and expression. I believe that through a more complete understanding and acceptance of ourselves we can create a more compassionate and embracing world.

Merrylin LeBlanc and I are offering a weekly free talk on YouTube: Deep Dives with New Perspectives sharing our Aquarian ideas with some Scorpionic profundity.

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Wishing you grace on your path,
