The Capricorn glyphs are neither easily relatable nor even made up of the same components as the other astrological glyphs! One has to look to the constellation, with its Greek myth roots, to see we are not speaking of a usual goat. Capricorn is a mythical sea goat. You can still see the right squiggle of the glyph is the tail of the sea goat. The three images pictured at the beginning of the article reflect the three levels to the Capricorn goat, making this a complex sign with an array of resources.
First, there is a certain octave-like progression or evolution from water (sea goat) to earth (goat) to air (mountain goat). While it appears fire is the only missing element, Capricorn is a cardinal sign and therefore operates with initiating, fire-like energy. Have you ever seen a mountain goat shoot up a mountain?
Saturn, otherwise known as Chronos, rules Capricorn. Chronos created Pricus, the first sea goat, who had the ability to manipulate time. I will give a brief synopsis here, but you can look at the end of this piece to read more or you can visit http://www.gods-and-monsters.com/capricorn-goat.html. The brief version is Pricus kept turning back time in an attempt to prevent his sea goat offspring from losing their ability to communicate and reason once their legs touched the shore and they forever lose their tail and became land-based, four legged goats. After countless attempts to turn back time, Pricus finally conceded Fate is defined because regardless of what he did or how many times he turned back time, he could not prevent the transformation of his entire race from intelligent sea goats to dumb and mute land-based goats who were never able to return to the sea.
What is the moral of the story? There are greater powers at work than our individual, personality-based wishes and desires and there are immutable Laws that even immortals must obey. Pricus ends up as the only one of his kind.
This sign fully describes our human existence, does it not? We begin in the womb of our mothers — sea goats; as newborns and toddlers we are unable to verbally communicate and can lose the sense of Self when living on the earthly plane –goat (remember the satyr Pan and subsequent demonization –the Devil card in the tarot– signifying the vices of the flesh at the expense of the Soul), gaining ever greater consciousness and maturity (Saturn). Finally, the third stage offers us the perspectives gained from having physically lived in each of the three evolutionary states, learning to integrate and strategically use resources and relationships with others to be successful in life –mountain goat.
Capricorn is the last earth sign and therefore has a theme of mastering the earthly plane. Coming from a place of favor in the womb to finding ourselves lost in the forgetful, distracting, demanding “needs” of living on the physical plane and then reaching a level of success in dealing with a career so as to have the luxury to retire and philosophize and/or give back to Life which is very Aquarian. One needs a certain level of resources to be able to afford to be the humanity-oriented Aquarian philosopher no longer so focused on survival and earthly needs.
We have an amazing focus in Capricorn over the next year. The Sun, Moon, the Moon’s south node, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto will all pay visits to the complex and driven sign of Capricorn over the coming year, culminating on 12 January 2020. On this day, there will be a quadruple conjunction, meaning four planets will be in the same spot in the sky -all within one degree seven minutes of one another. This is like birthing four babies at once. The names of these quadruplets are: Sun, Mercury, Saturn and Pluto. Every time Saturn and Pluto come together there is a major shift in the way the collective structures operate. While adding the Sun and Mercury should make this process more transparent and communicated more clearly to the collective, there is likely to be a full range of expression of these archetypal energies.
We, as humans, can chose to share resources with our brothers and sisters around the world. We can choose equality between women and men in the boardroom and the bedroom. We can choose to see one another as equals regardless of our color, race, religion, age, sex, gender, sexual orientation or any other limiting and possibly demeaning manner. We can chose to support corporations that are beneficial to the cities in which they operate as well as the staff they employ –providing all with a thriving living wage rather than supporting a top-heavy, single digit percentage of the population with more resource than they can expend in 20 lifetimes.
It is time. These coming months will likely see old ways challenged and new, ever-growing groups demand justice and a more-livable chance for the many. Elizabeth Warren is onto the idea with taxing the super wealthy. We shall see how it works out. The benefit of the many is more important than the security of the few.
Wishing you grace in these challenging times,
From MentalFloss.com come these tidbits of goat info with some interweaving of astrology:
One of the first (if not the first) domesticate animal, signifying our move from hunter-gatherers to agriculturally focused society about 11,000 years ago. This explains how Capricorn is one of the earliest and least understood glyphs, coming from a time before the written word.
Goats have rectangular pupils, shared by sheep and several other ungulates, giving them a fuller range of vision than humans and other animals with round pupils. Goats can see 320 to 340 degrees in their periphery—everything except for what’s directly behind them—which is useful in avoiding predators. The drawback to the flattened pupil is that goats are unable to look up or down without moving their heads. In order to gain consciousness in life, we have to be able to have a perspective. Being able to see and observe one’s environment gives one the detachment needed to make better decisions in life.
The four-chambered stomach helps goats digest tough roughage like grass and hay. Food enters the rumen first and then passes to the honeycombed reticulum where non-digestible objects are separated out. In the omasum chamber, water is removed from the food before it finally enters the “true” stomach, the abomasums. This is probably why goats are known for eating pretty much anything. Capricorn understands that everything has a value and situations and experiences need to be fully digested to understand the best course of action.
According to an Ethiopian legend, the stimulating properties of coffee were discovered when a goat herder found his flock frolicking with extra verve after consuming the red berries of the coffee shrub. The plant had the same energizing effect on the herder himself—and with that, the tradition of drinking coffee was (supposedly) born. Makes sense that the corporate world, which is seen as Capricorn, is “fueled” by coffee.
If you wish to read more on Pricus, from http://www.gods-and-monsters.com/capricorn-goat.html,
Pricus is tied to Chronos (Greek
mythology), the god of time. Chronos is the creator of the immortal
Pricus, who shares Chronos’s ability to manipulate time.
The legend that ties Pricus to Capricorn mythology begins when the younger
sea-goats, Pricus’s children, find their way onto the shore. The
sea-goats seem to be naturally drawn to the shore. They can use their
front goat legs to pull themselves onto the beach and lay in the sun. The
longer they stay on shore, though, the more they “evolve” from sea-goats into
regular goats. Their fish tails become hind legs and they lose their
ability to think and speak, essentially becoming the goats that we know today.
This upsets Pricus a great deal. As the father of the sea-goat race, he is determined to make sure that his children never get to the shore. If they do, he fears they will become mindless animals who can never return to sea.
After losing several of his children
to the land, Pricus decides to use his ability to reverse time to force his
children to return to the sea. During this time reversal, everything on
earth, except Pricus, reverses itself to where it was previously, thus the
goats revert back to the time to before they returned to land.
Pricus, being unaffected by the time shift, is the only one who knows what is
to become of the sea-goats. He tries to warn them, even forbid them from
setting foot onto the shore, but no matter what he does, or how many times he
reverses time, the sea-goats eventually still find their way onto land and
become regular goats.
The pivotal moment in Capricorn
mythology occurs when Pricus finally realizes that he cannot control the
destiny of his children, and that trying to keep them in the sea will never
work, no matter how many times to tries to “start over”. He resigns
himself to his loneliness, and chooses to no longer reverse time, instead
letting his children live their lives out to their own destiny.
In his misery, Pricus begs Chronos to let him die, as he cannot bear to be the
only sea-goat left. Chronos instead allows him to live out his
immortality in the sky, as the constellation Capricorn. Now he can see
his children even on the highest mountain tops from the stars.