Harness potential

I’m excited to announce the release of the newly revised and expanded edition “Astrological Mavericks: Do you have what it takes to change the world?” which looks at powerful people with an eye on what gives them their spark! I use quotes, observations, statements and actions to reflect archetypal ranges of expression for 528 astrological combinations. Countless surprising and fascinating bits of archetypally relevant information about your favorite people will be revealed giving you insights on how to express your Maverick self! Available here from Amazon or from your local or internet bookseller using the ISBN below.
If we look at the traditional meaning of a maverick, we find “the unbranded range animal, especially a calf that has become separated from its mother, traditionally considered the property of the first person who brands it.” In the case of a planet conjunct the angle, the planet “brands” the individual thereby giving them a freedom of expression using the formula of planet (11) + angle (4) in sign (12) = a range of archetypal presentation (528 combinations).
This book is a valuable reference for the novice and advance astrologer as well as anyone interested in seeing the themes in life tracked using the lens of astrology. Looking over the examples, we see individuals who leave a lasting impression on society in ways that clearly articulate their particular maverick astrological signature. If you want to learn more, Merrylin and I discuss the book in Deep Dives for 10 August 2021: https://youtu.be/XrroAbpt9KQ On 13 August 2021 Irlianna Samsara had me on her YouTube channel discussing the book: https://youtu.be/TYDvP5jFvpw
Available for your Kindle and from your local bookstore or on-line paper version from Amazon here.
ISBN for Print Edition: 978-0-578-55594-2 Hardcover Edition ISBN: 979-8-9854599-1-3
Experience unique

I am excited to announce the release of
AstroTheatre: A revolutionary approach to the ancient art of astrology.
“Astrology studies the cycles of the planets, Sun, Moon and asteroids and how their various relationships with one another affect our daily lives. AstroTheatre provides a revolutionary perspective using hand-painted images by the artist Christine Cianci with key words and statements for the planets, signs and houses written by Michael Bartlett. The planets are actors and the houses are the stages where they play the zodiacal role or character of the sign in which they are found. This book will give you insights into the three building blocks of astrology in a way that is entertaining, educational and most of all memorable.”
Available through Amazon or from your favorite book seller: Hard Bound Edition ISBN: 979-8-9854599-0-6 and Print Edition ISBN: 978-0-578-33768-5