For those of you non-fluent astrology folks, I wanted to write a short article that will give you a way to access it. With the following table you can look up different parts of your personality and relate it to a planet. Each of the planets have a symbol or glyph associated with them as shown in the following table:

Each of the planets, and therefore these different parts of yourself, are modified by the signs in which they are found. Each of the zodiac signs describe the costume and the type of tools used and style of expression the planets will use.
Just like you have people in life with whom you get along and others with whom you don’t, the same is true with the planets. Some work really well together and others don’t because of their nature and/or because of the aspect or relationship they have with one another around the 360-degree circle of experience.
The gift of astrology is it shows you have a certain way of expressing yourself and see the planets that are involved. You may see the ways in which you shock and change may be at odds with the way you structure and work. Or maybe the ways in which you feel, nurture and emote are supported by the ways you value, love and relate to others.
Where else do you get to see a map that so readily reflects YOU?!?!?!
Astrology also helps you identify, understand and reconcile seemingly polarized parts of yourself in a way that few other studies do. Understanding how your individual system works gives you the power and ability to affect great change because you will be operating from the space of being you, not some image presented by society, friends, family, community.
Are you living your highest expression of you? If not, I can help. Click here to book a session.
I am here to support you on your journey,