I recently gave a natal reading to a client who has her master’s degree in mythology and has been studying astrology for over two decades. I used AstroTheatre imagery to lay out her chart. She loved the ways in which the visual representation of astrology gave her new insights into her personal life map reflected by her birth chart. She also appreciated the ways in which these images conveyed the sense of challenging and supportive relationships, aka aspects, the planets have with one another and how they act in her life.

One thing astrology shows us is that we all process information differently. Some people are able to grok things better when spoken to, others need detailed written directions/instructions, while others will understand best with the aid of a diagram, pictures or video. Traditionally, astrology has been taught verbally or using the written word –AstroTheatre changes all of that. Visually oriented individuals will gain much from this “revolutionary approach to the ancient art of astrology.”
Tom Brady -the retired astrologer, not the “retired” football player- used figures to represent the planets when he gave readings. A monk figure for Saturn, a Buddha statue for Jupiter and so on. Tom and his son Joshua Brady (who unfortunately passed away recently) were instrumental in building the structure for AstroTheatre. The beautiful hand-painted oil planetary figures in the costumes of their respective signs set in the digital stages of each house are the work of the incomparable artist Christine Cianci https://www.ccianciart.com/ .
There is an app in the Apple app store (for some reason Google found the images too risqué and removed it from GooglePlay) called AstroTheatre. For ninety-nine cents you can have all of the images on your iPhone or iPad with key words for the sign and planet combinations, otherwise the book is available here https://www.amazon.com/AstroTheatre-revolutionary-approach-ancient-astrology-ebook/dp/B09PB29T96/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3HV185FWLJC8S&keywords=astrotheatre&qid=1678209501&sprefix=astrotheatre%2Caps%2C198&sr=8-1 or from your favorite bookseller. Available in electronic (Kindle), paperback and hardback formats.
Astrology will like grow in presence as well as influence now that Saturn has moved into Pisces and Pluto moves into Aquarius. These two signs are our most transcendental and easily misunderstood. There are few navigational tools in life that give you the reflection needed to not just survive but thrive like astrology. John Pierpont Morgan, the founder of the bank J.P. Morgan, once said that “millionaires don’t need astrologers, but billionaires do”. The banker believed that, to be successful in the market, you need more than just good timing, you need to know when the good timing will occur.
Would like a new perspective on your birth chart or would like to introduce someone to astrology in an easily approachable manner? If so, please click here: https://coremichael.com/book-now/
Wishing you grace in this month of many changes,
Great to see the AstroTheatre alive, Michael. Congratulations! This makes your work very unique. I’m so happy that you are able to build on all the work you did with your team all those years ago. Things have a way of working themselves out in their own timing. To your success and onward…
Thank you Runa. Sometimes we work hard in something that later becomes the treasure we need. Such is the work with AstroTheatre. Thanks for noticing!