How have you been enjoying the Aquarian focus this week? An incredible lineup of six planetary figures: Moon, Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn. They were all hanging out in the sign of observation, right human relationship and the New Age. What does it mean when so many planets gather in a sign?

Technically, a stellium is four or more planets in the same sign, but many astrologers will accept as few as three. You can consider a stellium something like a concentrated conjunction, where rather than a pair of conjoined twins, these are conjoined quadruplets, quintuplets – or in the case of this last week- sextuplets.  This is a significant re-birth, the time when the planets begin a new cycle of understanding and way of relating with one another that is based upon what has been learned in previous cycles. This is a major spotlight of Aquarian energy being expressed through six different differing parts of being. Consider the demands of birthing and the on-going demands required of six children at once.

If we examine each of these planets from a need perspective, we would see the need for nurturing and self-care (emotional feeling Moon), the need to move, process and communicate (expressing Mercury), the need to value and be clear about relationships (personally relating Venus), the need to expand and philosophize (societally relating Jupiter) and the need to structure and have healthy foundations and boundaries (rule-making Saturn) are all dressed in the conforming-ly non-conforming, evolving, rebel, Aquarian ideals. The time to think outside of the box is at hand! Some of you are going to be heavily activated, maybe even finding your own personal voice and you wish to share. A beautiful example of this is the PBS American Portrait project   

Idealism is wonderful, but can it be made manifest, made physical? When the fantasy remains an obtuse idea, never making it a reality, one can become the polarized cynic, or Don Quixoite chasing his warrior windmills. A cynic is a frustrated idealist, right? This Aquarian super- team has a pretty big agenda, but has to understand that at the root, most humans fear change. This is the dilemma of the Aquarian nature: how to balance a fixed sign traditionally ruled by disciplined and staid Saturn, but has the modern wild-card ruler Uranus. When Aquarians unite their Saturn/Uranus knowledge, they can blend the esoteric ruler, broad minded, love/wisdom seeking Jupiter. With Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus (and Mars) squaring the stellium from Taurus, we find we must make a change in course, an adjustment to the ways we have structured our social structure. Uranus seeks to evolve, to give us the lightning insight that immediately informs us of the map, where we are on it and what it will take to meet the requirements of our individual Path. We then have the choice to step forward with awareness or remain with our eyes and minds focused on the past -where no change is possible, safe the illusion of “safety”.  

With Uranus and Mars in Taurus, the ox-cart (Chinese New Year humor!), must be overturned to make space for a new form to be created. Will this be enhanced AI, an understanding that cloud-based technologies are not necessarily the safest, opportunities for more social democracies, changes from heretofore dictatorial/military rule to more democratic governments, increased understanding of the role of humans in climate change, will we set up Musk’s Martian colonies, will we finally know beyond a shadow of a doubt we are not alone in the universe?  

Taurus, another fixed sign, doesn’t like to be pushed prodded or manipulated into anything it doesn’t want – especially change. Yet, here is Uranus, like a bull in the china cabinet, bottled up and snorting for change. These complex energies are at work to ensure that all that is unnecessary is broken and can fall away. Taurus fundamentally does not like change because change involves loss.  Which it wants to put off onto Scorpio rather than face itself. How can the Taurus nature in us learn the importance of people if it doesn’t allow for things to be broken? Rather than throwing away that which is damaged, learn to repair. A repair is like an upgrade allowing us to meet our needs in a more significant and meaningful way.

When Aquarius gets caught in its ivory tower above all it surveys, it can lose sight of its own humanity. What is a healing tonic during these times? Movement, move your body, move your mind. Go out and see what is happening in your neighborhood, go volunteer, be of service, help make a difference. We all have much more in common than we don’t. The trials and tribulations most of us feel on a daily basis are the same as those felt by not only or neighbors, family, and others around the world, but also our ancestors for thousands of years.

We are in new times. How we respond and how we don’t respond to these changes will dictate our personal comfort and ability to be response-able to what is going on in the now while laying a healthier foundation going forward. This is one of the many possibilities available to us now. None of us is separate from what is happening in the world. What is the part you want to play? Make a difference or play your violin as you see things descend? While it really is all choice, some of us know there is simply doing the right thing every day as much as you can with everyone you encounter. That is why they call it a practice. Practice being human. Practice loving yourself and others in spite of the flaws or instead because of the unique beauty you see. Aquarius helps us to accept us- everyone. We are the rainbow. We are all humans. Happy Valentine’s Day and Gong Hay Fat Choy – Happy Chinese New years, especially to you Oxen out there!

I have some sessions available to help you if you need guidance in these shifting times to align you with your purpose and direction.

Blessings to you on your Path and thanks for reading,
