I want to apologize for my blogging absence. I have been busy working for the last four years on my new book: Astrological Mavericks: Do you have what it takes to change the world? I have completed research on the range of archetypal expressions through the seven classical planets, all 12 zodiac signs and the four angles referencing individuals who have made their mark throughout history.
While most astrology books follow the expression of the planet through the signs, they often merge the sign and house together to give an overview in broad strokes. Rather than following the traditional route, I wanted these individuals to illustrate the planetary nuances possible through their own words and deeds.
If we look at the traditional meaning of a maverick, we find “the unbranded range animal, especially a calf that has become separated from its mother, traditionally considered the property of the first person who brands it.” In the case of a planet conjunct the angle, the planet “brands” the individual thereby giving them a freedom of expression using the formula of planet + angle in sign = a range of archetypal expression. This “freedom” is neither restricted by familial nor religious nor societal strictures and rules. The planet, as actor in the play of life, guides the ways in which the range is expressed. This means a person who has a planet on any of the angles, is going to be a person who is under the tutelage, control, direction, mentorship of the planet(s) involved.
Why does this occur? Anytime there is a conjunction, whether with a planet or a point, there is intensification and blending of energies. A conjunction is actually a new birth, like when the Moon is dark. This is an indication of a new period or cycle of the way the two energies will relate to one another.
The angles represent the way we meet, relate and/or interact with life and they come in two pairs: AS/DS and IC/MC. The AS or Ascendant is how the world meets me and how I meet the world and the DS or Descendant is how I meet other and how other meets me. The IC or Immum Coeli is how I meet my inner family – self and how my inner family – self meets me and finally The MC or Mid Heaven is how I meet my path and how my path meets me.
When we find planets conjunct an angle, we see a person who has a sense of “knowing” and belonging – of having the inside scoop on life. It isn’t that these people are non-traditional or non-ordinary, they just exist and flourish outside of the structures that seem to keep everyone else in. Rather than being bound by the rules of tradition and the norms of society, these individuals make and often break the rules. The public often sees these people as maverick. This is not only for what they model for others, but what they actually accomplish in their own lives -often leaving a legacy too incredible to ignore.
Just as a taste of what is in the book, here is an excerpt of one section:
Jupiter in Libra on the AS
This is BIG charisma, beauty and an ideal need for harmony in one’s self. Actor Christopher Lee, who appears a second time, exhibits the debonair side of this placement. From BadAssOfTheWeek.com, “He’s also a 6’5″ tall world champion fencer, speaks six languages, does all of his own stunts, has participated in more on-screen sword fights than any actor in history, served for five years defending democracy from global fascism as a British Commando blowing the shit out of Nazi asses in World War II, and became the oldest person to ever record lead vocals on a heavy metal track when, at the age of 88, he wrote, performed on, and released a progressive symphonic power metal EP about the life of Charlemagne (because why the f*^k not?).”
As Libra is an air sign and Jupiter can lend a bit of idealism, one can see how an individual can dissociate from his acts as shown by serial killer Dennis Nilsen. From MurderPedia.com, “Dennis Nilsen was arrested in 1983 on suspicion of multiple murders. He apologized to the police for not being able to tell them the exact number of people he had killed. When his house was searched, they found three heads in a cupboard, and they found thirteen more bodies in Nilsen’s former place of residence at Crinkleroot at 195 Melrose Avenue. During the trial at Old Bailey, Nilsen was cold and distant, and seemed utterly unaffected by the fact that he had murdered fifteen people.” They were mostly young homeless gay men.
Karen Silkwood, who also has her Moon here, shows us how one can represent the correct legal result. From Wikipedia.com, “Karen Gay Silkwood was an American chemical technician and labor union activist known for raising concerns about corporate practices related to health and safety of workers in a nuclear facility. Following her mysterious death, which received extensive coverage, her estate filed a lawsuit against chemical company Kerr-McGee, which was eventually settled for $1.38 million.”
I am excited to share this heretofore neglected part of astrology with everyone in an effort to empower mavericks to make the world a better place. It is why many of us are here!
I am in the process of finishing things up and will have the book available by the time I speak at the NCGR Conference in Baltimore Labor Day weekend, 2019. Click here if you would like to register: https://geocosmic.org/ncgr-conference-2019/baltimore/
The book will be available on Amazon as an eBook as well as paperback.
Wishing you well,
Michael Bartlett