I recently spoke with a group of astrologers at the beginning of the year in Santa Fe about handling the challenges of our current times. Daniel Fiverson, Merrylin LeBlanc, Leslie Nathanson and I all presented different parts of the astrological transits going on this year 2019. Unfortunately, Jason Holley was not able to join us as previously planned.
My talk was entitled: Setting the Stage for the 2020’s, ‘The gathering of the board’ because over the course of 2019 the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto will all make their respective ways through the structure building, status seeking sign of corporate minded Capricorn. While Saturn and Pluto conjunctions occur roughly every 33-39 years, their conjunction in Capricorn occurs only every 250-500 years. Their conjunction coupled with the addition of Sun and Mercury, all within a one degree and seven minute arc is unseen in the last 2,000 years in the sign of Capricorn. We are in for a rare treat.

Just to give you a sense of a Pluto, Saturn and Mercury conjunct in Capricorn, consider Martin Luther and King Henry VIII of England. They not only transformed the Catholic Church, but they created branches of Christianity labeled for archetypal Saturn/Pluto energies: oppositional, challenging, protestant. As Mercury was also involved in that Saturn Pluto conjunction, the protest is still being expressed loud and clear.
We can see how the triple birth of Mercury Saturn and Pluto energies are continuing to play out from that time when human excess was excused for those who could afford to pay for their “indulgences” in sinful experiences (one of the Catholic “get out of jail free cards” if you had the money to pay). We can also see that there was a terrific explosion in literacy since 1518. Martin Luther gave the lay non-Latin proficient German a relationship to God with his translations of the ancient Hebrew and Greek texts into a German bible –and specifically excluding the Lain Vulgate texts. This is HUGE. On the other end of that cycle, consider what the internet is doing for information and accessibility in our age.
Of course there is another side to this configuration: who controls the information? While we may think we are doing a search to catch specific pieces of information from the entirety of the internet web, the truth is that search engines use specific logo rhythms based upon all of your previous searches and limits each subsequent search thereafter based upon for what it perceives you are seeking. I am sure we will continue to see Mercury, Saturn and Pluto operate in and through the internet as well as all social media in their tried and true ways.
Going back to Martin and Henry, we can see two different uses of power: one to solidify power for selfish gain and the other is to share the power, in this case information, with the collective as Luther did. We are at that point again, are we not? We have one percent of the population still ruling the other 99% some five hundred years later. The rich and powerful want to continue to orchestrate and influence both governments and corporations in order to create new forms of feudal unconscious servitude for the masses. In the end, money is an abstract concept made real, like bitcoins. Saturn and Pluto can seek ways to control and have power over others.
There is another option: finding that transformative-powerful-inner-authority these two planets can create within each of us, individually. This energy says, “enough is enough”, takes toddlers out of power and replaces them people who will unite us in our similarities rather than divide us with petty inconsequential differences.
With the Sun added here, this is a huge birth; we are having quadruplets! Vitality (Sun) and voice (Mercury) are added to the crucible-like process of Saturn and Pluto. We will realize on many levels the luxuries we have experienced as we deal (so much of it sought by our ancestors with Pluto in the opposing safety seeking sign of Cancer!) with a new world reality that speaks to an end to life on earth and all we have known. We are closing a 500-year cycle that started in January 1518. January 2020 will be the moment for this energy to start once again on a new cycle with the addition of the Sun for increased consciousness and visibility. I trust there are enough people on the planet who will use this energy to work hard and show our appreciation for one another and the world we inhabit. This is the path to healing that really needs to occur. I look forward to being of service as this process sets up and unfolds.
Wishing you and yours much grace and compassion in these challenging times,