Did you know that each planet in our solar system plays a role in your life? The astrological zodiac delivers insight for personal growth in a way no other method can. It is one of the most direct ways to learn about how to find direction, spread your wings, and reach your highest spiritual potential.

Each of us has an inner and outer group of at least 10 characters operating in our lives and psyches. These characters are known as the planets. Astrology helps us to identify their various voices and manners of expression.

Each of them has their respective needs and particular ways of acting. The signs indicate the types of interpretation as well as the tools used and the costumes worn by our various 12 zodiacal parts.

AstroTheatre takes the astrological planets and brings them to life as characters. These characters were first brought to life in my book ‘ AstroTheatre.’ These characters help you to understand the expression of each planet and the sign it is in using my revolutionary approach to the ancient art of astrology,  with imagery hand-painted by artist Christine Cianci.

What’s Included

See and experience your astrological chart in a visual manner represented by the characters developed in ‘AstroTheatre.’

A graphic electronic image of your birth chart with your ten main characters. Below is a sample of what the graphic image of a chart looks like.

A 60-90 minute interactive reading where we will talk about your personal AstroTheatre.

Discover your inner and outer group of ten characters operating in your life and psyche. These characters are the planetary bodies used in astrology that travel through the twelve signs of the zodiac. Simply click on Astro-Theatre from the *Service drop down menu below.